It is not unknown that fast food increases body fat. But what has come up in recent studies is even direr. It is said that the more such fast foods are consumed, the higher the chances of cancer.
Researchers at the University of Arizona in the United States have done a detailed study on this. A study by the Mel and Enid Zuckerman from the College of Public Health under Arizona University shows that eating foods like hamburgers or pizza reduces nutrition. Increases the chances of cancer-like serious diseases.

From the last half of this century, there has been a growing trend in the world to eat more fast food, including pizza, hamburgers. Not only in the First World but also in the poorer countries of the Third World, fast food centres are appearing like mushrooms. Nutritionists are very much concerned about consuming such foods for a long time.
Now, can this study report make people aware and save them from dire disease cancer?