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lang="en-US"> Kiss Day 2020: 10 Facts about the kiss you might not know before!
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Kiss Day 2020: 10 Facts about the kiss you might not know before!

Kiss is the maiden touch of Love. Lots of interesting and funny facts in connection with the romantic kiss that here we’re going to reveal on kiss day.

Kiss is the most natural way to express love, affection and care! People around the globe observe 13th January as the kiss day. Probably it’ll not be an exaggeration if we say that that there is hardly any man in this world who doesn’t wish to kiss her girl ever! Likewise, you cannot find such a woman at the same time. And it’s as true today in 2020 as it’s been in the past!

Kiss Day

Kiss is the maiden touch of Love, and there are lots of interesting and funny facts in connection with the romantic kiss. Here we’re going to reveal today.

1️⃣ Tow third of the people usually kiss their partners with their head stooped at the right side. Scientists claim that we possess the practice when we are in the womb! If you notice carefully you can see that the head of the babies in the womb naturally remains so.

2️⃣ 146 muscles are in action while you are kissing. 34 out of the given figure are related to your jaw, mouth and face. The rest belong to different parts of your body and they work as per your movement and position.

Source: Google Image

3️⃣ The posture of our kissing carries a similarity with Umiya Scansorial mouse existed 75 to 125 million years ago. Those mouses used to express their sexual desire by rubbing noses of each other.

4️⃣ A kissing smiley appears on your mobile screen when you type XOXO. Historians tell that there is an ancient story of human civilization behind it. Illiterate people in early medieval times used to sign X on their love letters and sealed it with a kiss on it.

5️⃣ The then King of England Henry V banned kiss on 14 July 1439. He fared that viral disease might be spread with the practice of kissing.

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6️⃣ France, known as the country of the kiss once banned kissing in the trains. The ban was imposed as the trains were running late due to the passengers’ tendency to kissing.

7️⃣ Famous Hollywood movies like Spiderman, Titanic, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind gifted us legendary kissing scenes. However, the sensor board scissored the scenes out of the films. The code in 1930 was like that kissing on the horizontal position, lying on the bed of husband and wife together were prohibited. A kissing scene of a maximum of 3 seconds was legitimate in that time.

Source: Google Image

8️⃣ A common individual spends 20,160 minutes or almost 2 weeks of his/her life on average!

9️⃣ You hardly knew that Philematology is the science of kissing. And, we call those Osculologists who study Philematology.

🔟 According to Philematology, a woman kisses 15 men on average to find her dream partner.

In the end, happy Valentine’s Day to you all in advance. Search Valentine’s Day images and wish your love with the words from your heart. And of course, don’t forget to buy a Valentine’s Day gift!

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